Safe Cats of Barbados

Get to know some our rescues...

My name is Kona. I was living on the street and starving. A nice lady was feeding me but then she couldn't any more. I need a loving home.

We were found near the airport. No mother. Taken in by Safe Cats...ADOPTED

Found as a newborn duct-taped to a garbage can with my mother and siblings. Only two of us made it. ADOPTED

Rescued from the street where my siblings and mother were poisoned...ADOPTED

Found taped up in a cardboard box and left to die in the hot sun...adopted in the USA and here.

I found a kind couple who let me give birth in their home. Safe Cats found me a foster so I can raise my babies safely.

A visitor found me and I went to the vet for three months. I am healthy and live in America now.

Found in traffic and called Sunday. Safe for now...